Preparing for Surgery
To expedite your check-in process, we need to receive your health registration forms prior to your procedure date. If not received, a registered nurse will contact you prior to your date of service.
It is important for you to follow these guidelines before surgery to prevent delay or cancellations.
- You will receive a phone call from a nurse at Stonegate prior to your surgery to review any health history or medications you may have.
- Please do not eat or drink anything as directed by staff the night before surgery. If you have questions please contact us.
- Please arrange for a responsible person over the age of 18 to accompany you home after your surgery. You will not be allowed to leave alone and unattended.
- Notify your physician and the facility if your medical condition changes, such as a cold, flu, or fever.
- Please follow these instructions as they are very important for your safety. Failing to do so may result in the delay, cancelling, and/or rescheduling of your surgery.